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日期: 2006 - 10 - 10   作者:   来源:   责编:   阅读次数:

The deletions of P16 gene detected in bladder cancer by duplex PCR

LI Ze-hui

  (Department of Urology,the Second Affiliated Hospital to Kunming Medical College,Kunming,650101)

  XU Shao-bin ZHU Jia-you

  (Division of Gecomics,Institute of Medical Biology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences)

  GUO Ping ZHANG Zhong-ji

  (Department of Pathology,Kunming Medical College)

  SHI Yong-gang

  (Department of Urology,the First Afilliated Hospital,Kunming Medical College)

  Abstract Purpose:To investigate the deletion of P16 g ene in the bladder cancer.Methods:The P16 gene was analysi s by duplex PCR in 31 bladder cancer tissue samples.Results:The gene deletions were found in seven samples.The deletion ratio of P16 gene was 22.6 per cent.Five cases had deletion in exon 2. One case had deletion in exon 1 and one had deletion in both exon 1 and exon 2.Conclusions:The results suggest that the deletion of P16 gene were associated with some bladder cancer.

  Key words Bladder tumor Gene,P16 Polymeruse chain reaction Gene deletion

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